A quirky, small-of-stature man known as Little Jesse, lives in quiet anonymity after drifting into the small West Texas town of Hawthorne in 1938. Self-employed in a pay-by-cash yard service business, he has no bank account, no driver’s license, or any other acceptable identification. He has no social security number and pays no taxes. With local authorities seemingly indifferent, alias Jesse Phillips simply does not exist. He lives alone in a ramshackle shanty located in a mesquite pasture on the edge of town. Tight-fisted with a buck, Jesse rolls his cigarettes and returns unsmoked tobacco to his Bull Durham pouch. Unknown to him, he is hunted by both police and coldblooded killers because of an unsolved murder that is now linked to him. His past begins to catch up when an Erie, Pennsylvania, woman is brutally slain in 1942. That murder connects him to the 1937 horrific killing of an Indiana hardware store owner. Police close in on murder suspect Little Jesse, as the revenge-stricken killers also race to hunt him down. History-woven, bone-chilling episodes cross Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and other parts of Texas.
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